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Call to scientists and other concerned citizens
May 02, 2005
KCFS Update 5-2-05
Call to scientists and other concerned citizens
The coalition for science asks you attend the State Board of Education “science hearings.”
May 5, 6, and 7, 2005
8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Memorial Hall
120 SW 10th Ave
Topeka, Kansas
Please distribute this KCFS Update to your colleagues and friends, at both your own and other schools.
Why should scientists and others attend the hearings, and what can you do there?
1. Listen to the Intelligent Design speakers – see for yourself what we are up against.
2. Then contribute to the discussion for our “post game analysis.” At the end of each day we will prepare a press release and have a press conference responding to the day’s ID presentations, dissecting the main themes (from our point of view) for the press and the public. We will want the input of those who have listened and taken notes on the ID talks.
3. Make yourself available to talk with the press and the public. We will have buttons for the Coalition for Science that you can wear to identify yourself. We will also have name tags so you can identify yourself – evolutionary biologists, biochemist, and so on
4. Network. We want to expand our base of people who are knowledgeable and concerned about the various threats of the ID movement, both to science and to other aspects of our culture. Use attendance at the hearings as an opportunity to meet and discuss the issues with others from around the state.
5. Help with logistics – hand out fliers, direct people to our events and locations, help man our media room and literature tables, etc.
6. Come as a representative of your school or department, with the intention of reporting back to others.
Come any day and stay as long as you can, although we encourage you to make a day or a half day visit. If you have a choice you might come Thursday to help with our first day. We also encourage you to come with a colleague or two.
If you are planning on coming, email Harry McDonald at biologycctrack@hotmail.com.
Contact information for questions:
Harry McDonald
913-897-9630 – home
Bob Hagen, KU
Phil Baringer, KU
Bob Bowden, KSU